Competitions & Leagues
Play Hard, Play Fair, Have Fun!!!
Thanksgiving Tennis Competition
Sterling Hts Rec Center,
40250 Dodge Park Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48313
Fun doubles competiton for kids 5-18yrs
Sat Nov, 30,
Entry Level, 9-10:30am
Beginner Level, 10:30am-12:30pm
Advanced Beginner, 12:30pm-3pm
Registration and more info about which level is right for your child at Sterling Hts
Pickleball Pickleball Ladder League
Warren Pickleball Ladder League
Warren Community Center
Monday, 6-8pm, Jan 6 to March 24th, 2025, (skip 1/20 & 2/17)
Register through Warren Parks and Rec miwarrenweb.myvscloud.com, (586)268-8400Pickleball Pickleball Ladder League
Roseville Rec Center, 18185 Sycamore Roseville, MI 48066, 1 block from I-696 and Gratiot
Fun, friendly ladder league.
Thurs, Nov 7-Dec 19, 630-830pm
You must know how to keep score, how to serve. And you should be able to maintain an easy rally.
No referees, no coaches, you shoul be familiar with the rules and be able to resolve any conflicts amicably.
© 2016