• Weather Cancelations

    We know, rainouts, snow outs, and power outs all suck!! Whaddyagonna do?

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    We use Remind101.com to notify you about rain outs.

    To receive notifications, all you have to do is

    send a text to 81010.

    The message of the text depends on which day(s) you have class. You must send a separate text for each day that you would like to receive notifications. You will get a confirmation text.


    Day/Message of text

    • Monday @mon10s
    • Tuesday @tues10s
    • Wed @wed10s
    • Thurs @thurs10s
    • Fri @fri10s
    • Sat @sat10s
    • Sunday @sun10s
    • Sterling Hts @sthts10s
    • For the Detroit Yatch Club @dyc10s
    • Grosse Pointe Farms gpf10s


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